Calling all Innovators and Early AdoptersEnrolling Founding Families now for August 2024!

What if children are far more capable than we imagine?

Acton Academy Park City is a learner-driven adventure school that guides elementary age students to discover and grow their unique passions and strengths.

child dressed as a hero

We believe in creating a space where young people have automony over their own education and love to go to school each day.

An Acton Academy Education

Learn to Do

Hands-on projects in science, entrepreneurship, and the arts prepare children for apprenticeships and real-world challenges.

Learn to Learn

Socratic discussions and self-paced challenges equip children to be independent lifelong learners.

Learn to Be

The Hero’s Journey, relational contracts, and real-world consequences transform difficult decisions into virtuous habits.

We believe character development is just as imporant as academic achievement.

Reimagine School

Traditional School

dull traditional school
  • Rows of desks and passive listening
  • Entire class moves at the same pace
  • Teachers set rules and consequences
  • Classes divided by age
  • Grades, report cards, homework, and standardized tests
  • Limited recess and exercise
  • School like a factory with a one-size-fits-all approach and little community involvement

Acton Academy

21st century school
  • Collaborative work on hands-on projects
  • Individualized pace to achieve mastery
  • Students create contracts and hold each other accountable for behavior
  • Mixed age studios
  • Personalized goals and progress tracking
  • Emphasis on outdoor time whenever possible
  • School like a journey, setting big goals, traveling with a tribe of supportive peers, and connecting with the community

We believe children thrive in an environment where curiosity is celebrated and failures are valued as one of a kind learning opportunities.

parent and student at Acton

What makes Acton Academy Park City unique?

  • The opportunity for families to help build the culture and vision of the school
  • Lots of time outside each day
  • Weekly adventures (hiking, snowshoeing, powder days, library trips and more)
  • No attendance policy. We trust families to know what's right for them
  • Spring and Fall family camping trips
  • Parent nights out